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The Premiere of the Asturian Version of the Club Song

Real Oviedo joins in with the celebration of the Day of the Asturian Language and Literature

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Real Oviedo, which is always committed to our region, today premiere the Asturian version of its club song, joining in with the celebration of theDay of the Asturian Language and Literature.

The lyrics of our club song were translated into Asturian by Francisco Fernández-Guisasola Muñiz, author of the book, ‘El himno del Real Oviedo y otras canciones oviedistas’. He has also been a club season ticket holder for 50 years, for which he received a golden insignia from the club this week.

La Agrupación Coral Ochote Langreano choir, which includes several Oviedistas, performed the song in Asturian, under the direction of Patricia Miriam Martínez Iglesias. They were accompanied by the traditional Asturian gaita (bagpipes), played by Francisco Fernández-Guisasola Muñiz.

The club wishes to thank them all for their selfless work over the course of several months, which enabled the Asturian version to become a reality.

The Real Oviedo club song was composed in 1969 by Rafael Moro Collar, who wrote both the lyrics and the music. During the subsequent years, our song has been interpreted on several different occasions.

The lyrics in Asturian are as follows:

Ye Uviéu ciudá con raigañu

y davezu tien a gallardón,

ser nel fútbol siempre los cimeros,

con equipos de gran tradición.

Xugadores qu'honraron a Uviéu

y a España-y dieron gran fama,

xugadores d’antaño y anguaño,

con arguyu, valor y garra.

Puxa Uviéu, adelantre,

con nobleza y con ardor.

Siempre trunfa quien más pon-y,

cuando xuegues con pasión.

Y l’Uviéu va ganar,

nun escaye l’afición,

sofitemos al Uviéu

en toa competición.

Puxa Uviéu, adelantre,

con cobicia y con tesón.

Nun esmalles, xuega siempre

como xuega un campeón