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Official Statement

A capital increase in the amount of €3,699,204.00 has been announced

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In compliance with articles 304, 305, 297.1.b) and 311.1 of “la Ley de Sociedades de Capital” (Spanish Corporations Law), it is hereby notified that the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 28th July 2023 agreed, in the exercise of the powers delegated by the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of REAL OVIEDO, S.A.D. held on 14th December 2020, to increase the share capital in the terms detailed below:
  • To increase the share capital by the amount of €3,699,204.00 by creating and putting into circulation 344,112 new registered shares, with a nominal value of €10.75 each, being the issue value equal to the nominal value; of the same class, series and with the same rights as those currently in circulation, numbered from 2,261,046 to 2,605,157, both inclusive, recognising the preemptive subscription right of the current shareholders in proportion to the nominal value of those they hold, at the rate of one new share for every 6.57066 of the previous ones.
  • The period for exercising the preferential subscription right is set at one month from the publication of the announcement of the offer for subscription of new shares in “el Boletín Oficial del Registro Mercantil” (the Official Gazette of the Mercantile Registry). In order to exercise the preferential subscription right, the total amount of the shares to be subscribed must be paid into the Company's account at "La Caixa" (ES94-2100-5700-0502-0008-2078), indicating the number of shares to be subscribed.
  • In the event that not all shareholders exercise their preferential subscription rights within the specified period, the Board of Directors may accept subscription offers for the remaining shares from third parties, whether or not they are shareholders. In this case, the Board of Directors shall have a maximum of one month from the end of the preferential subscription period to freely allocate the remaining shares.
  • If the capital increase is not fully subscribed within the aforementioned period, an incomplete increase is expressly admitted, with the capital being increased by the amount of the subscriptions made and the unsubscribed shares being cancelled.
  • Once the resolution to increase the capital stock has been executed, the directors must redraft the articles of association to include the new amount of capital stock.
Oviedo 28th July, 2023
Mr José-Martín Peláez Alvarez
President of the Board of Directors