Today saw a record figure, only eclipsed by the 1,471 Oviedistas who renewed their season tickets upon the return to professional football
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Excitement is filling the Real Oviedo fans at the start of this preseason.
The recent contract renewal of Borja Sánchez and the arrivals of Jon Pérez Bolo, Quentin Braat, Oier Luengo, Carlos Pomares, Miguel Llambrich, Alonso Aceves, Sergi Enrich and Marcelo Flores, accompanied by a season-ticket campaign which met the fans' expectations, have seen supporters flock out to renew their season tickets.
The first day of the season-ticket campaign saw 1,314 Real Oviedo fans purchase their new pass. It is a record figure, only beaten by the 1,471 Oviedistas who renewed as Los Carbayones returned to professional football.
Spirits are high, as can also be seen in shirt sales. 1,200 home shirts have been sold in official stores since they went on sale on 8th July, seeing the shop run out of adult sizes. The second set of stock is on its way and will be on sale once more in the coming hours.