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Non-Resident Season Ticket Now Available Online

Supporters anywhere in the world can now have their own season pass

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The 2022/23 'Guardians of the Pride' season-ticket campaign has added a new option for this season. Available as both a physical pass and via email at the current time, for the first time we are offering an online season-ticket option for those Oviedistas who, for whatever reason, live outside of Asturias, but who wish to have their own Real Oviedo season ticket.

This season ticket option allows for the option of buying tickets for matches at the Tartiere for just €10. The pass costs €80 and can be purchased via a simple online transaction here [season ticket].

It will be necessary to provide documentation proving that you are a resident outside of Asturias.

Purchase your season ticket and share the photo on social media, so that we can see our #GuardianesdelOrgullo around the world! In this photo we can see the President of Mexico's Peña Oviedista Isidro Lángara, José Antonio Palacio Junco, and his nephew Felipe González Palacio.