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A Unique Experience at the 2023 Supporters' Weekend

The match against Cartagena at the Carlos Tartiere in November will provide the perfect backdrop to welcome our international shareholders and fans

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The 'Proud of You' movement was born in November 2012, during the share campaign which saw Real Oviedo's entire future at stake. Since that time, Los Azules have been looking to put the groundwork in place and strengthen the links to its international shareholders through different activities and initiatives, with one example being our 'Supporters' Weekend'.'

This year's activities will take place between the 10th and 13th November, coinciding with the league fixture against FC Cartagena at the Carlos Tartiere. Over the course of that weekend, international shareholders will enjoy a unique experience, in which they will have the chance to participate in a number of activities swimming in Oviedismo.

- Collection from Asturias Airport or Oviedo Bus Station
- Different offers with collaborating hotels
- Tour of the city and cultural visits to sites of interest in Asturias
- Tour of Fundoma Residence and presentation of the International Department. Friendly match or tournament
- Tour of Tensi Training Facilities
- Tour of El Requexón and attendance at first-team training session or B-team match
- Tour and ceremony at the Carlos Tartiere 
- Special experience at the match against FC Cartagena
- Group dinner
- Prize draws

Over the course of the coming weeks further events will be announced, with the aim of guaranteeing that this year's edition of the Supporters' Weekend is just as much of a success as last year's.

The Club would like to encourage our international shareholders and fans to come together here in the capital of Asturias, get to know others like them, and enjoy a special Real Oviedo experience.

People with an interest in the event should get in touch with us via email at