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A Derby of Solidarity

Real Oviedo and Sporting will face each other on FIFA 20 this Sunday, with funds being raised for the Red Cross to help in the fight against COVID-19

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Despite the situation that Spain is currently going through, which has led to the suspension of LaLiga and the absence of the Asturian derby between Real Oviedo and Real Sporting, both clubs have decided to promote an initiative so that no fan of either club ends up going without such a special match.  As a result Oviedistas and Sportinguistas have a date to
mark for 18:00 this Sunday, in front of their screens, when our players Carlos Hernández and Yoel Bárcenas will face Álvaro Vázquez and Nacho Méndez on FIFA 20.
Through the hashtag #EsteDerbiLoGanamosTodos (We all win this derby) the Asturian sides are seeking to do our bit in the fight against COVID-19, starting a charitable fund to help combat the effects of the virus.  The funds raised will go to the Red Cross, who will be in charge of managing and allocating the earnings through its RESPONDE plan.
The Red Cross' RESPONDE Plan against COVID-19 seeks to help people in vulnerable situations and the general population, through the mobilisation and actions of 40,000 volunteers.  They will make the planned responses a reality throughout the nation, using their more than 1,400 points of care.
The Red Cross will provide support to a million people, who will receive attention and telephone companionship.  In addition, 25,000 families will receive basic supplies, 16,000 people will be given support in terms of employment, and 3,000 homeless people will be given a place to sleep.
For more information about the RESPONDE plan, click here.
How to donate All you have to do is enter the fundraising page created on Facebook through the following link: I WANT TO DONATE!
If you don't have this particular social network, you can donate through the following bank account: ES28 2100 0600 8502 0196 0066.  The recipient should be: Cruz Roja, and the concept: #EsteDerbiLoGanamosTodos