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In accordance with Articles 304, 305, 271.1b) and 311.1 of the Spanish Corporation Law, we announce that in a meeting held on 5th August 2022 the Board of Directors came to an agreement to exercise the rights delegated to it by the Real Oviedo S.A.D. General Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of 14th December 2020, to carry out the social capital increase campaign detailed below:
Increase the social capital by the total of €3,699,204.00 through the creation and introduction into circulation of 344,112 new nominative shares, each nominally valued at €10.75, with the emission value equal to the nominal value. The new shares will be of the same class and series and have the same rights as those currently in circulation. They will be numbered from 2,041,579 to 2,385,690 inclusive. Current shareholders possess preferential subscription rights in proportion to the nominal value that they possess, through the creation of one new share for each 5.93288 current shares.The period to exercise preferential subscription rights is set at one month from the publication of the announcement of the new share subscription offering in the Official Gazette of the Mercantile Registry. In order to exercise the preferential subscription right, the shareholder must deposit the total emission value of the shares to which he/she wishes to subscribe in our Company account in 'La Caixa' bank (account number ES94-2100-5700-0502-0008-2078) , indicating the details of the shareholder making the transaction as well as the number of shares that he/she wishes to subscribe to.In the event of not all shareholders exercising their right to preferential subscription in the indicated timeframe, the Board of Directors will be able to accept offers of subscription for the remaining shares from third parties, whether they are current shareholders or not. In this case, the Board of Directors will have a maximum period of one month from the end of the preferential subscription period to freely distribute the remaining shares.If the increase in capital is not fully increased in the previous period, an incomplete increase is expressly admitted. The capital increase will be the amount raised by the subscriptions confirmed, and non-subscribed shares will be cancelled.
Once the social capital increase agreement has been executed, the administrators must rewrite the social statutes, in order for them to cover the new amount of social capital.
Oviedo, 5th August 2022
Mr. Manuel Paredes González
Acting President of the Board of Directors