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Official Statement

Official Statement from Grupo Carso

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Oviedo, 12th July 2022
Dear Fans of Real Oviedo.
Honourable Assembly of Shareholders.
Spanish Football Authorities.
With great enthusiasm we wish to inform you that we have taken the decision to accept an offer of association for Grupo Pachuca, from Mexico, to join up as part of our beloved Real Oviedo.
Their proposal has been studied and analysed in detail according to the social, human, sports and economic foundations it is built on. It identifies fully with our values and objectives for growth.
In the past GRUPO CARSO and GRUPO PACHUCA have been partners in Mexican football, achieving great results on the pitch. We secured a Bi-championship with Club León and a title with Tuzos del Pachuca, while also working shoulder-to-shoulder off the pitch to benefit sport, health, and education.
The success of this partnership, based on experience and knowledge, encourages us to share the control and management of Real Oviedo with Grupo Pachuca, led by its President Jesús Martínez Patiño. Grupo Pachuca will hold 51% of the shares, Grupo Carso 20%, and the thousands of shareholding fans will have the other 29%.
Having worked 27 years in the industry, Grupo Pachuca has been a pioneer, with a model of overall development made up of different areas around sport. It has consolidated itself as a one of the most advanced companies in the world working in the football sector.
Grupo Pachuca is the founder of the University of Football and Sports Science, the Center of Medical Excellence (CEMA) which is supported by FIFA, and the World Football Hall of Fame. It is also the owner of three professional teams: Tuzos del Pachuca, Club León, and Everton de Viña del Mar. Under the group's stewardship these clubs came up fighting from the Second Division, rising into the First Division, and going on to lift different national and international titles in recent decades, turning their story into one of overcoming obstacles through leadership.
For these reasons, we will begin the relevant steps before the Spanish Sports Council, requesting their authorisation for this operation to be approved.
This partnership will be built around a group spirit and teamwork, but particularly around the pride, courage, and determination which characterise Real Oviedo. We have an exciting future ahead of us.