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Real Oviedo and Compromiso Asturias XXI Join Forces

The association has become a new club partner

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The Compromiso Asturias XXI association has become a new official partner of Real Oviedo and part of the Real Oviedo Business Club. The club will work together with the association and will support its main objective of ensuring that Asturias progresses through its young people and Asturian companies.
The association's philosophy fits perfectly with the values of Real Oviedo, with the club always having backed the talent in the region. The club is aware of the importance of having homegrown players in its ranks, and conscious of the huge benefits that academy graduates have both for the club and for Asturias.
This agreement sees Los Carbayones continue to grow in its objective of creating synergies between medium and large enterprises, providing a privileged environment to meet other professionals and generate business links with companies united by the same passion.