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The First Official Real Oviedo 'Peña' in the USA is Born

The Peña Azul Cascadia has been created in Portland, Oregon, in a clear example of the growth of Oviedismo around the world

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There can be no doubt that Oviedismo is growing beyond the borders of Asturias, and there are more and more Real Oviedo followers all around the world.
Another clear example of this can be found in the birth of the club's first official supporters' club in the USA. Peña Azul Cascadia has come to life in Portland, Oregon, to bring together the feelings awoken by Real Oviedo in North America.
Its president Sherrilynn Brink Rawson-Ybarra is a devoted Real Oviedo fan. Her love for the club was clear to see at the time of our cry for help in 2012. Twelve years on, that love not only remains intact, but rather has grown still stronger. She is a shareholder, she proudly boasts a Real Oviedo tattoo on her skin, she has travelled from America to see her team on several occasions, including during her honeymoon, and she is now the living image of our newest peña.
The Peña Azul Cascadia has its meeting point at Mad Greek Deli, 1740 E Burnside St, Portland, OR 97214, USA. It can also be found on X @AzulCascadia, and oBluesky Its email address is and you can become a member by filling in the document here. 
As of today, the United States are a little bit more blue.