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Presentation of the Real Oviedo Salus Camp in Ribadeo

The second edition will take place at Campo Outeiro A Devesa from 8th to 12th July

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Los Azules this Monday presented the Real Oviedo Salus Camp in Ribadeo. From 8th to 12th July, the second edition of this camp will take place at Outeiro A Devesa. The main objective is for boys and girls born between 2009 and 2018 to be trained in football and values in a fun environment.

The presentation was attended by the mayor of Ribadeo, Daniel Vega; the councilor for sports, Francisco José Silvent; members of the Real Oviedo Foundation led by its director, César Martín; and representatives of Salus, sponsor of the Real Oviedo Campus.

One of the main objectives of the activity is for participants to learn while having fun, using the ball as a working tool. It also aims to encourage the children to live together and promote the values of cooperation, friendship, tolerance, and fair play, which undoubtedly positively impact a person's development.

As usual, the Real Oviedo Salus Campus will offer boys and girls a complete football, values, and training experience from the best professionals.

Don't miss out on Campus Real Oviedo Salus 2024, click here